County of Grande Prairie 2024 Municipal Census

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The 2024 municipal census has provided a clear snapshot of our growing community, capturing important information to guide County planning and decision-making. Conducted between April 3 and July 2, the census achieved a high response rate of over 95 per cent, with residents participating through online submissions, phone interviews, and door-to-door visits.
With a total recorded population of 26,701, the census reflects a 26 per cent increase since the last municipal census in 2012. This growth highlights the County’s appeal as a vibrant, welcoming place to live and work, including the integration of the former Village of Hythe, which became part of the County in 2021. The updated population figures are essential for applying for provincial grants and planning services that meet our community's needs.
Key highlights:
Population Growth: The County’s population has grown to 26,701, reflecting an increase of more than 5,500 residents since 2012.
Where We Live: Approximately 31 per cent of residents live within hamlets, with Clairmont leading as Alberta’s largest hamlet at 6,123 residents. Hythe and Wedgewood follow with populations of 835 and 736, respectively.
Community Age Profile: The largest age groups are 45-64 and 25-44, each making up 25 per cent of the population, supporting a robust workforce and vibrant community life.
Access to Healthcare: 62 per cent of residents have a family physician within the Grande Prairie region, but 27 per cent report lacking a primary care provider, indicating potential gaps in healthcare access.
Homeownership: The County recorded 10,278 residential addresses, with an occupancy rate over 90 per cent and a high rate of owner-occupied homes at 86 per cent.
For a deeper look at the 2024 census findings and to understand how these insights will guide future initiatives, please review the County of Grande Prairie 2024 Municipal Census: Demographic Report.
*The unofficial population includes counted residents as well as the standard census practice of applying estimated average household size to homes where no count was possible due to refusal or inability to contact.