Electoral Boundary Review

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In 2021, we welcomed the Village of Hythe as a hamlet within the County of Grande Prairie. Despite this change, the existing nine electoral divisions have remained untouched, prompting the initiation of a review of the County’s electoral boundaries.


Following the dissolution of the Village of Hythe, the Provincial government mandated a review of the County’s electoral boundaries before the next municipal election in 2025. While this review may or may not result in changes, as our County has changed, it’s important to ensure that residents are adequately represented.


This process began with the municipal census, which provided insights into demographic changes and population distribution. Learn more about the municipal census at www.countygp.ab.ca/census.

We have begun the process of exploring various boundary options, including the number of councillors, divisions, and division boundaries. Not sure which Electoral Division you are in or who your Councillor is? Click here for more information.


Research revealed that six out of nine County divisions are outside the optimal population range of between 2,052 and 3,420. The population in divisions ranged from just over 1,000 residents to more than 5,000.

The County of Grande Prairie is also expected to grow faster than the rest of the province with a projected population of 45,400 by 2046.


In June, Council decided to keep the number of councillors and boundaries at nine each.


Phase 1 engagement included an online survey from June 3-23, 2024, with 118 responses received. Key findings:

  • Desire for equal representation with easy-to-understand boundaries.

  • No change in number of councillors and divisions.

  • While more than half of respondents feel fairly represented, a quarter stated that they do not feel fairly represented.

  • Respondents suggested the Hamlet of Clairmont should either be split into two or more electoral divisions with part of the surrounding rural land included or be its own electoral division.


The second and final electoral boundary review survey is now available at: https://www.surveymonkey.ca/r/VLXHKZX

Feedback from the first survey in June was used to develop three alternative boundary options for the County. These options, along with the option to keep the current boundaries unchanged, are available for resident feedback in the second survey. The results of this survey will guide Council’s decision in September regarding potential changes to the electoral boundaries.

Have your say today.


Council will decide on potential boundary changes and give the bylaw first reading on September 23, 2024.

Following first reading of the bylaw, there will be a 60-day petition period where residents can submit a petition for the bylaw to be reconsidered. Petition requirements will be communicated in September and October. Council will then consider any amendments to the bylaw and give it second and third reading.

As the review progresses, we’ll provide updates to keep you informed. It's through collective effort and participation that we can ensure our electoral system is truly representative of our community's diversity and aspirations.

The review of County electoral boundaries presents an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to equitable representation and inclusive governance. By working together, we can lay the groundwork for a stronger, more resilient community that serves the needs of all residents.

Please subscribe to this page for further updates.

In 2021, we welcomed the Village of Hythe as a hamlet within the County of Grande Prairie. Despite this change, the existing nine electoral divisions have remained untouched, prompting the initiation of a review of the County’s electoral boundaries.


Following the dissolution of the Village of Hythe, the Provincial government mandated a review of the County’s electoral boundaries before the next municipal election in 2025. While this review may or may not result in changes, as our County has changed, it’s important to ensure that residents are adequately represented.


This process began with the municipal census, which provided insights into demographic changes and population distribution. Learn more about the municipal census at www.countygp.ab.ca/census.

We have begun the process of exploring various boundary options, including the number of councillors, divisions, and division boundaries. Not sure which Electoral Division you are in or who your Councillor is? Click here for more information.


Research revealed that six out of nine County divisions are outside the optimal population range of between 2,052 and 3,420. The population in divisions ranged from just over 1,000 residents to more than 5,000.

The County of Grande Prairie is also expected to grow faster than the rest of the province with a projected population of 45,400 by 2046.


In June, Council decided to keep the number of councillors and boundaries at nine each.


Phase 1 engagement included an online survey from June 3-23, 2024, with 118 responses received. Key findings:

  • Desire for equal representation with easy-to-understand boundaries.

  • No change in number of councillors and divisions.

  • While more than half of respondents feel fairly represented, a quarter stated that they do not feel fairly represented.

  • Respondents suggested the Hamlet of Clairmont should either be split into two or more electoral divisions with part of the surrounding rural land included or be its own electoral division.


The second and final electoral boundary review survey is now available at: https://www.surveymonkey.ca/r/VLXHKZX

Feedback from the first survey in June was used to develop three alternative boundary options for the County. These options, along with the option to keep the current boundaries unchanged, are available for resident feedback in the second survey. The results of this survey will guide Council’s decision in September regarding potential changes to the electoral boundaries.

Have your say today.


Council will decide on potential boundary changes and give the bylaw first reading on September 23, 2024.

Following first reading of the bylaw, there will be a 60-day petition period where residents can submit a petition for the bylaw to be reconsidered. Petition requirements will be communicated in September and October. Council will then consider any amendments to the bylaw and give it second and third reading.

As the review progresses, we’ll provide updates to keep you informed. It's through collective effort and participation that we can ensure our electoral system is truly representative of our community's diversity and aspirations.

The review of County electoral boundaries presents an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to equitable representation and inclusive governance. By working together, we can lay the groundwork for a stronger, more resilient community that serves the needs of all residents.

Please subscribe to this page for further updates.

Page last updated: 06 Sep 2024, 11:05 AM