Riverview Pines Playground

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Consultation has concluded

Playground equipment to replace the current structure in Riverview Pines subdivision

The RVP playground is up for replacement. The current equipment was installed by the community 9 years ago. It is a wonderful backyard set, however to be on public land playground equipment must be of commercial grade. We are hopeful that after it is removed, the current equipment will have a long happy life in someone's private yard.

Leaders in the RVP community have provided insight and direction to the County to select new playground equipment to replace the current piece. They were challenged with determining what type of equipment would be utilized by community members. In addition they successfully identified equipment that could be purchased within the budget allotted by the County. This means that no further funds are required to be raised by grants or cash donations.

While cash is not required, there is a need for community involvement to bring this project to fruition. This equipment will be commercially installed, but that does not include site prep or site clean up. Please review the itemized list of estimated person and equipment hours needed in the 'Forum' below, and indicate if you can commit to moving this project forward with an in-kind donation. If the in-kind donations of labour and equipment do not manifest, then further funds will be required to pay an outside contractor to complete the work. You can provide your comments in the space provided. This is a public forum so other member of the community will see your comments.

If you are not comfortable having your comments publicly available, please call or email Megan Schur with County Parks and Recreation,

780 532 9727


The new playground installation is planned for Spring 2021.

The RVP playground is up for replacement. The current equipment was installed by the community 9 years ago. It is a wonderful backyard set, however to be on public land playground equipment must be of commercial grade. We are hopeful that after it is removed, the current equipment will have a long happy life in someone's private yard.

Leaders in the RVP community have provided insight and direction to the County to select new playground equipment to replace the current piece. They were challenged with determining what type of equipment would be utilized by community members. In addition they successfully identified equipment that could be purchased within the budget allotted by the County. This means that no further funds are required to be raised by grants or cash donations.

While cash is not required, there is a need for community involvement to bring this project to fruition. This equipment will be commercially installed, but that does not include site prep or site clean up. Please review the itemized list of estimated person and equipment hours needed in the 'Forum' below, and indicate if you can commit to moving this project forward with an in-kind donation. If the in-kind donations of labour and equipment do not manifest, then further funds will be required to pay an outside contractor to complete the work. You can provide your comments in the space provided. This is a public forum so other member of the community will see your comments.

If you are not comfortable having your comments publicly available, please call or email Megan Schur with County Parks and Recreation,

780 532 9727


The new playground installation is planned for Spring 2021.

Discussions: All (1) Open (1)
  • Person and Equipment Hours Needed

    over 4 years ago
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    If the following work can not be sourced by members of the community on a Gift in Kind basis, further funds will need to be raised to pay an outside contractor to complete the work. 

    Site Prep: Approximate Value $2,825.00

    Removal of Current equipment: 6 people, 1 skid steer (and operator) for 2 hours. Approximate value $850.00

    If the equipment is in useable condition once removed, we will likely auction it off, with the proceeds to be put back into the park. Installing the equipment in a private yard would be at the buyers expense and risk.

    Scraping and piling of current sand for re-use after install: 6 people with shovels and barrows, 1 skid steer (and operator) for 3 hours. Approximate value $975.00

    Excavate site - 10 m x 25 m - to 12' depth, remove fill: 1 skid steer (and operator) for 4 hours. 1 dump truck (and operator) for 4 hours. Approximate value $1,000.00

    Discussion: Does anyone in the community need fill, approximately 50-75 cubic meters? This can be trucked to the landfill, but would be simpler to keep it in the community if someone wants a kids toboggan hill or something on their own personal property. 

    Site Clean Up: Approximate Value $1,100.00

    After Commercial Install, re-spreading the sand in the play area: 6 people with shovels and barrows, 1 skid steer (and operator) for 4 hours. Approximate value $800.00

    Final clean up: 6 people, 2 hours. Approximate value $300.00

    Discussion: If the sand becomes contaminated or there is not enough, do you have a contact for having some sand (fracking or otherwise playground compliant) donated? Approximate cost for purchasing new sand $4,000.00 - $5,000.00