What is an Intermunicipal Development Plan?

    The Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) is a document that outlines a vision for development and infrastructure near municipal boundaries. It includes policies such as future land uses, regional environmental and open space networks, and future transportation projects like ring roads. 

    What goes on in one municipality can have an impact on its neighbours. For example, a large industrial park created in one municipality may mean that residential development in the bordering municipality is not appropriate. Infrastructure projects can have impacts that cross municipal boundaries, such as new roads changing traffic patterns. This creates opportunities and challenges for both municipalities. An IDP is a way for municipalities to work together to maximize the benefits of development through a cohesive regional vision.

    Why do we need an Intermunicipal Development Plan?

    The existing IDP between the City and the County is over 10 years old. A lot has changed since it was adopted. Some of the projects from the IDP are complete, such as the annexation of a 30-year land supply into the City and the construction of the Highway 43 bypass. The provincial government has also passed new regulations on how neighbouring municipalities should work together. A new IDP is an opportunity for the City and County to create a vision for the region that is aligned with the municipalities' current goals and is based on updated information and reflects new regulations.

    Are there any property tax implications for individuals within the IDP Boundary?

    No, there are no property tax implications for individuals within the IDP boundary. Property taxes are determined separately by each municipality.

    Is the IDP another annexation?

    The IDP is not an annexation. Through preliminary processes, the municipalities have determined that a future annexation is not needed and thus the IDP does not establish any annexation requirements, process, or areas. If, in the future, an annexation is deemed necessary, the annexation will be a separate process that involves an application through a provincial board.

    How is an IDP boundary established?

    IDP boundaries typically take the form of approximately a two mile (3.2km) radius surrounding an urban municipality’s boundary. However, an IDP boundary is also custom-tailored to meet the specific needs of the two involved municipalities. In the case of the Grande Prairie IDP, it encompasses further lands to the south of the City of Grande Prairie, in order to ensure that a future proposed provincial highway, which will impact both municipalities, is within the plan boundary.

    What does it mean for a resident living within the IDP boundary?

    The IDP boundary covers the City and land within the County around the City boundary. The plan includes land use policies and provisions for the transportation network in those areas. 

    As a landowner in the IDP area, these policies can affect the type of development that can occur on your land or on the land surrounding you. It can also propose infrastructure projects that may occur around your property. The IDP does not require you to change current developments on your land or adjust the use of your land. Instead, it regulates where future, new development may occur, in order to ensure that any urban growth is beneficial to both municipalities and residents in the IDP area.

    What does it mean for residents living just outside the IDP boundary?

    Development occurring outside the IDP boundary is not subject to the policies contained in the IDP. However, each municipality may consider the policies of the IDP when approving development applications in adjacent areas.

    Who is responsible for reviewing applications for development within the IDP boundary?

    Each municipality is still ultimately responsible for approving development applications on lands within its boundary. The IDP contains specific instances where a development application will be referred to a neighbouring municipality for comment and consideration. The IDP also contains policies that govern how any intermunicipal disputes can be resolved.

    What is the difference between a future land use concept and zoning?

    The future land use concept in the IDP provides a general outline of what types of uses are expected to go where. These are usually very generalized with categories like industrial, commercial and residential. The municipality will consider this vision when someone applies to rezone their land for development. A site’s zoning is more specific about what uses can occur and ties development to regulations in each municipality’s Land Use Bylaws.

    Will this affect agricultural areas?

    The IDP will not impact ongoing agricultural operations. The future land use concept does not stop existing land uses from continuing to operate.

    How does the IDP impact the servicing of existing subdivisions?

    Existing subdivisions will continue to operate as they have been developed. Servicing and infrastructure capacity of new developments are being considered as part of this project.

    How will the IDP be implemented?

    The IDP will be implemented through several mechanisms including intermunicipal referrals for development, alignment of new development with the future land use concept, additional collaboration and cooperation between the municipalities, and mechanisms for dispute resolution. In addition, a Joint Intermunicipal Committee will be established to review and guide ongoing development within the IDP area.

    What does this mean for County residents in the simplest possible terms?

    The IDP establishes what form of development there could be if the landowner chooses to develop. The City and the County agree on a development concept around their borders to address any concerns about the impact of development and to provide residents with greater certainty about what could occur in their area / how they could develop their land.