Land Use Bylaw Update Phase 1
The County is initiating an update to the Land Use Bylaw. This bylaw outlines the processes and standards for when someone is developing a site, such as building a house or retail store. The purpose of the update is to improve processes and standards.
The first phase of the project focuses on administrative and procedural items in the bylaw. The amendments in this phase will not change development standards, they are intended to address administrative items, such as ensuring that the timelines for processes align with provincial (Municipal Government Act) requirements and enabling the County to take online applications.
There are currently three bylaw amendments moving forward as part of this phase:
- New map format (Bylaw 2680-24-035)
- Update to the Penalties section to specify offences and fine amounts (Bylaw 2680-24-036)
- Removing forms from the bylaw to allow for online applications (Bylaw 2680-24-037)
Public Hearings for these amendments will be held on November 25, 2024 in Council Chambers. Visit the Public Hearings page for more details: Scheduled Public Hearings - County of Grande Prairie No.1
Future phases of the update will include topics such as integrating Hythe into the County’s bylaw, reviewing general standards and uses, and updating the structure of the document to improve useability.