Plan Your County

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Plan Your County Overview Graphic

To continue growing in a way that meets the needs of our community in the long term, the County of Grande Prairie is reviewing and updating the plans, bylaws, strategies, and guidelines that shape local development.

This project began in 2023 with the development of a Hamlet Resiliency Strategy and a review of the current Municipal Development Plan, which is the high-level vision for the County. What we hear and learn from this process will set the stage for the Land Use Bylaw and Area Structure Plan reviews that will happen during 2024. Ultimately, this work will improve the development process, create appropriate development opportunities, and ensure the County is growing in a way that aligns with the vision that residents have for our County.

To be successful, we are asking those who live and work here to help Plan Your County. Your feedback is vital to developing plans and policies that work for the specific needs and culture of our County.

Main Components of the Plan Your County Project

Hamlet Resiliency Strategy (2023-24)

STATUS: Draft Available for Review

Click Here to View the Draft Hamlet Resiliency Strategy

The Hamlet Resiliency Strategy is a special study looking into the needs of some of the County’s hamlets. As these smaller communities have unique needs and amenities, this study will engage with residents and other groups to identify their long-term requirements. This study will also look at what other types of amenities these hamlets could benefit from such as trails, cultural spaces or economic development programs. This study will look at the long-term needs for the County’s rural hamlets. This includes development but will also look at other needs such as recreational and cultural amenities, and economic development.

How were the hamlets included in the strategy chosen?

The strategy is examining 9 of the County’s 12 hamlets: Demmitt, Goodfare, Elmworth, La Glace, Valhalla, Huallen, Dimsdale, Teepee Creek and Bezanson. Hythe and Clairmont were not included because they are larger centers and already have specific policies in the Municipal Development Plan. Wedgewood was excluded because it is an urban hamlet.

Some of the recommendations from the strategy will inform policies in the Municipal Development Plan and others will be explored through different County initiatives.

Municipal Development Plan Update (2023-24)

STATUS: Preparing Draft Updates

The Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is the primary policy document that provides long-term guidelines and policy direction for the future growth and development within the County of Grande Prairie. The MDP guides the policy direction for other planning documents, such as Area Structure Plans, and the Land Use Bylaw.

Future Projects:

Land Use Bylaw Review (2025)

This bylaw outlines the standards when someone is developing a site, such as building a house. This bylaw will be reviewed to improve the application process and ensure that it continues to align with the community’s needs.

Area Structure Plan Reviews (2025)

These plans provide direction for long-term land use and details on the growth and development within a defined area in the County.

Educational Programs (2026)

The County will develop an educational program to help applicants navigate the new Planning Framework.

Other Planning & Development Documents (2026)

This includes a wide range of documents such as policies, non-statutory plans, and bylaws related to development in the County.

How do I get involved?

Considering how important the future of the County, our communities, growth and development is, there will be many opportunities to learn more and provide feedback both in person and online.

This page will be updated frequently with more information and upcoming opportunities to participate. If you would like to be kept informed directly through e-mail, please click the “Stay Informed” box on the right hand side.

To continue growing in a way that meets the needs of our community in the long term, the County of Grande Prairie is reviewing and updating the plans, bylaws, strategies, and guidelines that shape local development.

This project began in 2023 with the development of a Hamlet Resiliency Strategy and a review of the current Municipal Development Plan, which is the high-level vision for the County. What we hear and learn from this process will set the stage for the Land Use Bylaw and Area Structure Plan reviews that will happen during 2024. Ultimately, this work will improve the development process, create appropriate development opportunities, and ensure the County is growing in a way that aligns with the vision that residents have for our County.

To be successful, we are asking those who live and work here to help Plan Your County. Your feedback is vital to developing plans and policies that work for the specific needs and culture of our County.

Main Components of the Plan Your County Project

Hamlet Resiliency Strategy (2023-24)

STATUS: Draft Available for Review

Click Here to View the Draft Hamlet Resiliency Strategy

The Hamlet Resiliency Strategy is a special study looking into the needs of some of the County’s hamlets. As these smaller communities have unique needs and amenities, this study will engage with residents and other groups to identify their long-term requirements. This study will also look at what other types of amenities these hamlets could benefit from such as trails, cultural spaces or economic development programs. This study will look at the long-term needs for the County’s rural hamlets. This includes development but will also look at other needs such as recreational and cultural amenities, and economic development.

How were the hamlets included in the strategy chosen?

The strategy is examining 9 of the County’s 12 hamlets: Demmitt, Goodfare, Elmworth, La Glace, Valhalla, Huallen, Dimsdale, Teepee Creek and Bezanson. Hythe and Clairmont were not included because they are larger centers and already have specific policies in the Municipal Development Plan. Wedgewood was excluded because it is an urban hamlet.

Some of the recommendations from the strategy will inform policies in the Municipal Development Plan and others will be explored through different County initiatives.

Municipal Development Plan Update (2023-24)

STATUS: Preparing Draft Updates

The Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is the primary policy document that provides long-term guidelines and policy direction for the future growth and development within the County of Grande Prairie. The MDP guides the policy direction for other planning documents, such as Area Structure Plans, and the Land Use Bylaw.

Future Projects:

Land Use Bylaw Review (2025)

This bylaw outlines the standards when someone is developing a site, such as building a house. This bylaw will be reviewed to improve the application process and ensure that it continues to align with the community’s needs.

Area Structure Plan Reviews (2025)

These plans provide direction for long-term land use and details on the growth and development within a defined area in the County.

Educational Programs (2026)

The County will develop an educational program to help applicants navigate the new Planning Framework.

Other Planning & Development Documents (2026)

This includes a wide range of documents such as policies, non-statutory plans, and bylaws related to development in the County.

How do I get involved?

Considering how important the future of the County, our communities, growth and development is, there will be many opportunities to learn more and provide feedback both in person and online.

This page will be updated frequently with more information and upcoming opportunities to participate. If you would like to be kept informed directly through e-mail, please click the “Stay Informed” box on the right hand side.

  • Hamlet Resiliency Strategy Draft

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    The County of Grande Prairie’s draft Hamlet Resiliency Strategy is available for review here.

    The County has prepared a Hamlet Resiliency Strategy for its nine rural hamlets:

    • Bezanson
    • Demmitt
    • Dimsdale
    • Elmworth
    • Goodfare
    • Huallen
    • La Glace
    • Teepee Creek
    • Valhalla Centre

    The purpose of the strategy is to ensure rural hamlets are resilient and remain sustainable over the long-term. Resiliency is the ability for hamlets to adapt to changing external circumstances while maintaining their core functions and providing services to the surrounding area.

    The strategy details the process undertaken to evaluate the current state of the nine hamlets and identifies recommendations and actions to support their future sustainability.

    The strategy provides recommendations and actions that the County can implement to encourage additional amenities and economic development and create communities that are more attractive to live in.

    The full draft strategy can be accessed here.

    Please, send your questions or feedback to, or call 780-513-3950 to speak to a member of the Planning team.

  • MDP Update Phase 2 Consultation Concluded

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    Thank you to everyone who participated in this phase of consultation for the Municipal Development Plan Update. Your input will help to guide County staff as they develop the draft updates to the document.

    In this phase of consultation, participants were asked to provide input on the criteria used for evaluating certain types of development proposals and on the Future Land Use Concept. This feedback will be summarized in a 'What We Heard Report', that will be available on this webpage later this summer.

    The next step in the project is for County staff to develop a draft update to the Municipal Development Plan based on a technical review and feedback from participants. In Phase 3 of consultation, County staff will ask for feedback on the draft update before it is refined for Council to consider adopting.

  • MDP Update Workbook Deadline

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    Today is the last day to drop off physical copies of the Municipal Development Phase 2 Workbook at dropbox locations around the County. Next week, County staff will pick up the dropboxes and begin compiling the responses.

    The online version of the workbook will continue to available until June 28th. You can access the online version of the workbook here:

    Municipal Development Plan Update - Phase 2 Workbook

    The workbook was designed to allow people who were unable to attend one of the in-person workshops to get background information on the project and to provide feedback on key topics.

    This phase of consultation focused on the criteria for different types of development and potential revisions to the Future Land Use Concept. The feedback from this phase will be summarized in a ‘What We Heard’ report and posted on the project page later this summer.

    In the next phase of consultation, we will be asking for input on the draft update to the Municipal Development Plan.

  • Spring 2024 Workshops

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    Thank you to everyone who participated in this spring's Municipal Development Plan Update workshops.

    For those of you who were not able to attend, you can still participate by completing the workbook version. We have created a survey version of the workbook here: MDP Update Phase 2 Workbook, to make it easier to complete.

    The feedback we gather in this phase will help shape the policies around the criteria we use for considering different types of development applications, as well as our review of the Future Land Use Concept Map.

    Once we are done gathering feedback for this phase, we will compile the results in a 'What We Heard Report' that will be available on this page.

    In the next phase of consultation, we will be presenting a draft version of the Municipal Development Plan update for public input. That phase of consultation is tentatively planned for this fall.

  • May 16 MDP Workshop - Clarkson Hall Access

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    Tonight's Municipal Development Plan Review workshop is being held at Clarkson Hall in Evergreen Park (55051 TWP RD) from 6PM to 8PM. Evergreen Park management has advised us that due to the Petroleum Show at the TARA Energy Services Centre, the main road in front of the event center may be closed.

    You will be able to access Clarkson Hall from RGE RD 60, which leads towards the baseball diamonds. See the map below for the route to Clarkson hall:

  • Community Workshops Spring 2024

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    Join Us and Help Plan Your County

    We are hosting workshops across the County asking residents for their input to help guide the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) review. See the 'Upcoming Events' list on the right side of this page for dates and locations.

    All workshops are from 6pm to 8pm and will be held throughout the month of May.

    The workshops build on the previous consultation that was conducted last spring. The 2024 workshops will focus on elements of the MDP that relate to the priorities that participants identified in Phase 1 of consultation: Low taxes, Community and People, Recreation and Nature, and Agriculture.


    The format of the workshop is a presentation followed by a guided activity where participants will be involved in group discussions and a mapping exercise.

    If you are unable to arrive at the start time, or stay for the entire workshop, feel free to drop in and a member of County staff will provide you with information and assist you in joining the workshop for the time that you are available.


    If you are unable to attend a workshop, you can participate by completing the Workbook. The Workbook can be found in the 'Document Library' on the right side of this page. There will also be physical copies and drop-off locations across the County.

    The Workbook provides background on the project and previous consultation. It asks respondents questions relating to the same topics as the workshops.

    While the workshops consist of a more open discussion without proposed policy options; the Workbook contains specific policy options for respondents to consider. The intent is to provide Workbook respondents with something specific to respond to and to provide context for them to base their comments on, since they will not have a facilitator to assist them.

    Workbooks need to be submitted by June 14th, 2024.

    What's Next?

    The feedback from the workshops and Workbook will be summarized in a 'What We Heard Report' that will be made available in July, 2024.

    County staff will use the feedback to guide them as they prepare a draft update to the Municipal Development Plan.

    There will be a third Phase of consultation to get public feedback on the draft.

  • Thanks for helping Plan Your County in 2023

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    As we come to the end of the year, we wanted to thank you for being involved in the County of Grande Prairie’s Plan Your County initiative.

    What We’ve Done So Far

    The first phase of this initiative has focused on understanding the values and priorities of the community and what makes the County of Grande Prairie special. To do this, more than 300 residents contributed their feedback in the spring and summer of 2023, identifying three main priorities: outdoor recreation and nature, community and people, and low taxes.

    A highlight of this initial work involved collaborating with junior high school students through the 'Planner for a Day' program. This unique opportunity allowed students from five schools to contribute their ideas by designing fictional communities inspired by the Grande Prairie region.

    In addition to the work on the MDP, work also began on the County’s first Hamlet Resiliency Strategy, looking at the long-term needs for the County’s rural hamlets as unique parts of the community. A final draft of this strategy will be made available to the public for comment before going to Council in 2024.

    What’s to Come in 2024

    The Plan Your County journey is far from over. Draft policy options for the County's MDP are expected to be released for public feedback in the spring of 2024, with work beginning on other planning documents to follow.

    The County of Grande Prairie appreciates the contributions of everyone who participated so far and looks forward to hearing even more feedback in the year to come.

  • Second Hamlet Survey Now Available

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Based on what we heard from residents this spring and summer, a number of recommendations have been developed for the County’s hamlets. We want to know what you think about these draft recommendations and if there’s anything we might have missed.

    Complete the short online survey here or pick up a paper copy at the County Administration Building. The survey will run until October 9.

  • What We Heard Report No 1

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    Over the Spring and Summer of 2023, hundreds of people gave their feedback on the future of the County's hamlets and shared their values and priorities for the County. A report on what we heard from this engagement on the Hamlet Resiliency Strategy (HRS) and the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) review is now available.

  • One Week Left to Share Your Insights for the County Municipal Development Plan Review

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    Don't miss out on an opportunity to Plan Your County by using our interactive workbook for the Municipal Development Plan Review. The deadline for feedback during this crucial phase of the project is approaching fast on Friday, July 21. Your input truly matters, and together, we can help create a prosperous future for our community.

    Getting a workbook is easy: simply download the workbook or drop by the County Administration Building to pick up a copy.

    Completed workbooks can be emailed to or dropped off at the County Administration Building.

    You need to be signed in to add your comment.

Page last updated: 23 Jul 2024, 11:21 AM