Plan Your County
To continue growing in a way that meets the needs of our community in the long term, the County of Grande Prairie is reviewing and updating the plans, bylaws, strategies, and guidelines that shape local development.
This project began in 2023 with the development of a Hamlet Resiliency Strategy and a review of the current Municipal Development Plan, which is the high-level vision for the County. What we hear and learn from this process will set the stage for the Land Use Bylaw and Area Structure Plan reviews that will happen during 2024. Ultimately, this work will improve the development process, create appropriate development opportunities, and ensure the County is growing in a way that aligns with the vision that residents have for our County.
To be successful, we are asking those who live and work here to help Plan Your County. Your feedback is vital to developing plans and policies that work for the specific needs and culture of our County.
Main Components of the Plan Your County Project
Hamlet Resiliency Strategy (2023-24)
STATUS: Draft Available for Review
Click Here to View the Draft Hamlet Resiliency Strategy
The Hamlet Resiliency Strategy is a special study looking into the needs of some of the County’s hamlets. As these smaller communities have unique needs and amenities, this study will engage with residents and other groups to identify their long-term requirements. This study will also look at what other types of amenities these hamlets could benefit from such as trails, cultural spaces or economic development programs. This study will look at the long-term needs for the County’s rural hamlets. This includes development but will also look at other needs such as recreational and cultural amenities, and economic development.
How were the hamlets included in the strategy chosen?
The strategy is examining 9 of the County’s 12 hamlets: Demmitt, Goodfare, Elmworth, La Glace, Valhalla, Huallen, Dimsdale, Teepee Creek and Bezanson. Hythe and Clairmont were not included because they are larger centers and already have specific policies in the Municipal Development Plan. Wedgewood was excluded because it is an urban hamlet.
Some of the recommendations from the strategy will inform policies in the Municipal Development Plan and others will be explored through different County initiatives.
Municipal Development Plan Update (2023-24)
STATUS: Preparing Draft Updates
The Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is the primary policy document that provides long-term guidelines and policy direction for the future growth and development within the County of Grande Prairie. The MDP guides the policy direction for other planning documents, such as Area Structure Plans, and the Land Use Bylaw.
Future Projects:
Land Use Bylaw Review (2025)
This bylaw outlines the standards when someone is developing a site, such as building a house. This bylaw will be reviewed to improve the application process and ensure that it continues to align with the community’s needs.
Area Structure Plan Reviews (2025)
These plans provide direction for long-term land use and details on the growth and development within a defined area in the County.
Educational Programs (2026)
The County will develop an educational program to help applicants navigate the new Planning Framework.
Other Planning & Development Documents (2026)
This includes a wide range of documents such as policies, non-statutory plans, and bylaws related to development in the County.
How do I get involved?
Considering how important the future of the County, our communities, growth and development is, there will be many opportunities to learn more and provide feedback both in person and online.
This page will be updated frequently with more information and upcoming opportunities to participate. If you would like to be kept informed directly through e-mail, please click the “Stay Informed” box on the right hand side.