What is an Intermunicipal Development Plan?
An Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) is a long-term and strategic plan between two or more municipalities that is required by the Municipal Government Act (MGA). The IDP’s purpose is to provide a coordinated and collaborative framework respecting land use, servicing and transportation on lands adjacent to the boundaries of the respective municipalities.
The MGA requires that the IDP address:
· future land use;
· the manner of and the proposals for future development;
· transportation systems;
· proposals for the financing and programming of intermunicipal infrastructure;
· the co-ordination of intermunicipal programs related to physical, social and economic development; and environmental matters.
The MGA also requires that the IDP address matters relating to the administration of the plan, including a process to resolve intermunicipal disputes.
What is this project about?
This project involves the preparation of four separate IDPs between the County of Grande Prairie and the towns of Beaverlodge, Sexsmith and Wembley and the Village of Hythe.
The Province now requires that all municipalities in Alberta prepare IDPs with their neighbours. Currently there are no IDPs in place for these municipalities. These IDPs are required by legislation to be completed between the partner municipalities by April 2020.
What land is affected?
The County’s Municipal Development Plan (MDP) identifies a 2 mile (3.2 km) wide fringe area around each of the partner municipalities as shown in the maps below. This fringe area will serve as the study area for each of the IDPs. The study area boundary is outlined in orange.
How will the IDPs affect area landowners?
IDPs are long-term land use and servicing plans that address how the participating municipalities and the County are to address the future growth needs of these communities. The IDPs also include framework for annexation should it be necessary in the future. As these plans address long-term future land-use and development opportunities for these areas, it is important that landowners be involved in the process and provide input on the future use of these lands.
Existing land uses and development rights are not affected by the IDP.
Visit the Town of Sexsmith and County website to learn more about existing Land Use Bylaws, Area Structure Plans and Municipal Development Plans.Town of Sexsmith: www.sexsmith.ca(External link)
Are there any existing IDPs involving the County of Grande Prairie?
The County of Grande Prairie and the City of Grande Prairie have had an IDP since 1982. However, this Plan (Bylaw 2896) does not have any impact on the current IDPs Project as the study areas are not within the Bylaw 2896 referral area.
What is the process and how do I get involved?
Public consultation is critical to the success of the project and in ensuring the IDPs are prepared to reflect the individual needs of the partner municipalities and the interests of landowners. Based on this understanding, the municipalities have placed an emphasis on community engagement throughout the project.
Over the next few months, we will be asking each municipal council and administration, residents, business owners, and community stakeholder groups to share how each municipality should grow. There will be many opportunities for you to learn more, provide feedback throughout the process through various public engagement opportunities including open houses and through an online engagement website. Each of the IDPs will be prepared independently and will include policies that are unique to the needs and opportunities of each urban area and their partnership with the County.