MDP Update Workbook Deadline
Today is the last day to drop off physical copies of the Municipal Development Phase 2 Workbook at dropbox locations around the County. Next week, County staff will pick up the dropboxes and begin compiling the responses.
The online version of the workbook will continue to available until June 28th. You can access the online version of the workbook here:
Municipal Development Plan Update - Phase 2 Workbook
The workbook was designed to allow people who were unable to attend one of the in-person workshops to get background information on the project and to provide feedback on key topics.
This phase of consultation focused on the criteria for different types of development and potential revisions to the Future Land Use Concept. The feedback from this phase will be summarized in a ‘What We Heard’ report and posted on the project page later this summer.
In the next phase of consultation, we will be asking for input on the draft update to the Municipal Development Plan.